The form most common through all Yfanzi, every Yfanzi born has a visage that resembles the Qilin — or Kirin, as many are come to be known. The sage of heaven and omen to the death of an illustrious ruler, the horned beasts glimmer with scales and glory, forms mangled between various entities and animals of nature. They are the Yfanzi's truth: a weaving of forms to create one unique, ever glowing entity.
Trassla's kirin draws directly from Japan, the nation of horns, scales of rainbow jewels, phoenix feathers and the ever shifting body of innocent power. His facade has eyes that sparkle and glow, and a smile that brings the sun back out from stormy clouds. Of all his forms, Trassla's Kirin exists nearly as often as his base, making it, followed by his Ningyo, the three most prominent faces woven together for whom he has become.
attractive mystery
Kirin / Glowing Morphs
Horned Heavens
Fortune of Hearts
Howling Smites
Stars & Stones
The Wicked Fall